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    Scionox's Journal of Dreams

    1. 18th Aug 2013 Random spiral knights dream and MiniLD - Day 8

      by , 08-18-2013 at 03:30 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      Dream 1:

      I was playing spiral knights and there was some grassland place, it was filled with rare "soul jelly' type of enemies and they were partially invisible, i started messaging SilentEternity about it but i couldn't type quick enough without getting attacked. The edges of the place was also made from weird brown metallic blocks. It was also glitchy and stuff was flickering in and out, there were also a few crimsonite crystals, explosive boxes and some lichens including one giant one.
      Done with that, i finished with gaming, talked to some people and was eating an apple. Then i suddenly
      thought that i might be dreaming and then started feeling it, i go to balcony door and jump through, but somehow get stuck in curtains behind door again and dream fades out.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      Was at home, distracted from nap, then i wake up and there's something with the door and my hands were a bit clawed.

      Updated 08-18-2013 at 03:43 PM by 59854

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    2. 16th Aug 2013 Spiral Knights, Subway dream - Day 6

      by , 08-16-2013 at 03:56 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      Dream 1(fragments)

      I was playing Spiral Knights and i was like, in game. SilentEternity was here too and he was recording video, we were in some passage with light-blue colored walls and wooden floor, there was also wooden door with really glitchy colision detection, due to which it was possible to stand inside the door.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      There was some story about some female character in subway, she needed to get to some specific medical place, some another character was helping her. The train was going through some weird paths until it stopped somewhere outdoors because way was blocked by another train. There were some power plants and windmills, and apparently some korean show about animals or something...

      Dream 3(fragments):

      SilentEternity was streaming some game about some technology place, there were some windows with portrait selection.

      Updated 08-17-2013 at 03:12 PM by 59854

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. 15th Aug 2013 Fragments

      by , 08-15-2013 at 11:09 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Not much of recall, mainly because some construction workers or w/e decided to make some really loud noises outside as i was waking up.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      Was talking to someone about dreaming stuff and recall.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      Was playing spiral knights.
    4. 13rd Aug 2013 Some weird dreams, and spiral knights dream - Day 3

      by , 08-13-2013 at 04:20 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was in some weird place and there was some spirituality related talk, then weird false awakening with some loud sound in my head and i was very dizzy, almost lucid, but i woke up before i could fully realize.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      Was playing some platformer that then turned out to be about sonic apparently, but was really weird, some levels were like unfinished and there was 'level skip' function, then later sonic was piloting some kind of mecha.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing spiral knights and was in guild hall, there were some problems we were trying to solve and discussions, there was some new function that apparently marked people as 'spy' when they said certain words in chat. Then the guild hall turned into old style guild hall and there are some players that are invisible, then i noticed the weirdness of game and realized that i am dreaming, i tried to chat with someone that was not in the game but then gaining no response i forgot about dreaming and continued with the game.
      I went to run some gate clockworks and the rooms were connected rather interestingly, at first i thought i was solo but the invisible players were apparently there and were helping fighting enemies, also stuff was a bit glitchy. Then i found danger room gate and we entered it.
    5. 12th Aug 2013 Fragments

      by , 08-12-2013 at 11:47 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      I really need to fix my sleeping schedule(again), being really bad at managing time doesn't helps with that.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was in some park.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing Spiral Knights but the game was somewhat different, there was some really mazey level with spikes and there was some other person with me in same team that actually knew the level to an extent. We still ended up wandering around though, through some electrical place and some natural looking area.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing some multiplayer game about dragons and was discussing it with someone from dragon forums. We ended up talking about unique player character abilities and some different ways they got unlocked, some unlocked them from the very start, some had to do something specific, some just got them with time and practice. Then we continued discussing specific abilities.
    6. 20th Apr 2013 Various video games, Search for mutants

      by , 04-20-2013 at 10:19 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1:

      I was in some kind of survival game with team. We built a base using some kind of big brown cargo containers and after that we were attacked by some enemies. Containers were not very good and soon we started getting holes in our defenses, but then we got upgrades going and enemies couldn't pass them anymore, after few upgrades the containers turned into something more of concrete blocks and walls. We also got some automatic turrets set up.
      After that we went to do some kind of mission and game turned into something like Spiral Knights, we were progressing through some kind of dungeon and enemies there were more advanced and hard. We had a bit of problems and had to skip through a few enemy groups. I recall one of advanced enemies being purple slime of some kind that had an 'arm' formation.
      After we were done with that we were back to base and i was checking some GTA-like games... in the game? Though most of them were really glitchy and were crashing and/or erroring soon after the launch. One of the versions was like 3D version of GTA 2, but also every wall was black colored like if texture was missing and everyone was an enemy, there were no neutral people. It crashed after some time too. Soon the dream ended.

      Dream 2:

      I was in some kind of zoo and there was a problem where mutants(?) were disappearing from cages, like somebody was stealing them. I was searching through a few places for clues and i had some special powers, ones that i can recall being ability to zoom in view, and other being some attacking ability related to electricity.
      At one point i was overlooking forest from some balcony and there were bandits that i had to avoid or deal with. Later i was visiting some kind of compound building, there were some kids which were cooking food and there was a character which looked really similar to Hinata from Naruto anime. After eating some food(which was delicious) there, and avoiding some more bandits, i got somewhere else, probably into the place where someone was hiding stolen mutants, but the cages were empty, i was too late.
      Then dream randomly skipped to the scene where the main character of Syphon Filter game gets killed with an headshot in some tunnel. And then dream ended.
    7. 5th Mar 2013 TPS/Shmup hybrid, Spiral Knights: Easy shadow lair material?

      by , 03-05-2013 at 07:52 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      For once again, nice dream recall.

      Dream 1:

      Don't recall much about start of the dream, but there was some Third Person Shooter/Shmup hybrid game that people don't really liked but i decided to try it anyways. There was a team of five anime girls that basically were player characters and main part of game was third person shooter with platforming elements, but bosses were being fought like Danmaku Shmup bosses.
      Shortly i got distracted from game and was having problem that my mouse wasn't working, but after really heated discussion/arguing with everyone in the room i got it fixed.
      Back to the game, i was searching for some secret boss and eventually found activation hidden in some storage behind some green containers. The boss was some sort of black helicopter with green markings, i was waiting for shmup mode to start up, but it got delayed so i had to hide player character from boss for a while. Soon other helicopter(grey with red markings) arrived and this 'activation' sequence started: The player character girl sent signal to girl that was piloting the just arrived helicopter, she then sent it to other girl that was in mobile radar machine of sorts, which sent it to girl that was actually piloting spaceship, which then arrives and shmup mode starts. Dream ended shortly after that.

      Dream 2:

      I was playing some sort of new version of video game named Spiral Knights. Don't recall much of start of the dream but there was this new mission available which could be played once per day like other 'event' missions and had random Shadow Lair material as a reward in the end(Really rare material in game IWL). I decided to play it then sell material later. The mission was happening in some electrical place/factory and it wasn't really hard, i was playing with two other people, don't recall much about it either because of dream skips or just not much recall.
      Soon i was at the end of the mission, and the end area looked alot like and had atmosphere of aurora islands area type from actual game, there was not much in terms of enemies obviously, i recall only having to deal with a few beasts, other than that there should have been that shadow lair material. I haven't found it and the other two people apparently were disconnected, i for some reason had to go to haven(central hub location in game) asap so i just disappointingly left. After doing some stuff in haven i noticed that the there was option to rejoin that mission.
      I rejoined it and noticed that two other people were back, they facepalmed at me and said that material was literally at the entrance of the area. And there it was, a bit to the side from entrance gate in the niche, how i could not notice it before? It was some weird material that i haven't seen in the game before though, icon for it looked like some white symbol on cyan background, i didn't checked it's name though. Also now there was also another elevator down, i was out of mist energy(Free energy used to go down elevators) but i noticed that i apparently had around 5k of crystal energy(Energy that is bought, can be used for elevators as well), i decided to go for it.
      It got us to some peaceful area and there was some puzzle with blocks. Other two players were beyond it already somehow and were challenging me to complete the puzzle 'hard way'. Can't recall much about how puzzle worked but it was something with destroyable blocks and blocks that disappear, either way i surprisingly easy done it the hard way and now was in the area.
      At this point dream switched into first person mode like i was actually in game. Also i noticed that the first player that was in team was using some unknown to me white-ish armor and the other used newbie armor. Newbie dude called me 'black man' for some reason. I took a look around and it seems this place was made just for fun, there was some super bouncy area and some arsenal building and some other things that i can't recall. For some reason arsenal building was pickupable(it was turning into box of sorts), so i decided to pick it up and throw it into super bouncy area, it started bouncing around and that was pretty ridiculous.
      Suddenly dream transitioned into me throwing blanket at the speakers, but after a few attempts i was back in game.
      Shortly the white armor dude asked me if i could trade him that material, i said that price is around 20k crowns(Currency in Spiral Knights). I said that i sold gremlonium(One of the shadow lair materials) at that price before, so i am not going to make it much lower than that. I also asked him how much crowns he has anyways, but he gave me 'perfect snowball' material for some reason and said that it's actually edible! I was about to eat it but the dream ended.
    8. 31st Jan 2013 A whole bunch of dreams

      by , 01-31-2013 at 09:20 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Managed to recall a bunch of dreams today upon waking up, much more than usual.

      Dream 1:

      I was playing game that looked quite similar to Spiral Knights, except it was more dim. I was moving character between different rooms of some foggy place. At some point i found glitch that makes character slide at crazy speed across the screen, ignoring physics and objects, and i used it to go beyond some railing. This time, upon entering different room i apparently got into game and was instead of the player character. I picked up some treasure in the room and ended up hiding behind curtains from someone.

      Dream 2:

      I apparently was a ninja and i had to find my group. After a while of searching through forest i reached the canyon and the group was there, we start getting prepared to assault enemy base in the canyon or something.

      Dream 3:

      I was watching some pokemon anime. and there was some dude who joins the Ash in his travels just because he's too scared of everything. They end up traveling through many places. At some point he had to part, so he ended up walking around the road being scared of most of sounds in the forest. There were also some pokemons but none looked familiar. Dream skips.
      I was now in first person in anime instead of just watching, but still being just spectator view. There's some evil dude trying to capture some sort of legendary pokemon who is able to talk. After a few attempts that pokemon uses some sort of ability that fires homing spikes and retreats, saying to that dude: 'You are not strong enough yet'. Evil dude gets angry and calls in some other dude with big badass sword. He sends him somewhere.

      Dream 4:

      There's three people in the room: two dudes and girl. I was spectating through first person view from one of dudes. They talk to the girl about something. Suddenly the dude with sword from previous dream enters the room and outright murders one of dudes(not the one i was spectating from). The other one manages to hide completely inside a tiny bucket on wheels somehow, and starts trying to escape. Sword dude soon notices that and slashes the bucket. View changes to deathcam now showing dead body of that dude glitching out of the bucket, and my dream self finds that death animation hilarious.

      Dream 5:

      I was checking MSPA for updates and ofcourse there were some new ones on Homestuck. The updates are about some Homestuck trolls being stuck on floating island. They have to dodge/block attacks of someone invisible. Eventually some of them fail to do that and die, others end up using some sort of time manipulation to slow time and dodge attacks easily that way. At some point i notice that on the site there's some other column of updates on the right side. I check it and it's some totally random stuff and MSPA fanart. I wake up.

      Then i accidentally fall asleep once more while recalling dreams...

      Dream 6:

      I am in the room and there's random SBAHJ stuff floating everywhere(bizarre stuff), it lasts a few seconds. I wake up once again.

      Updated 02-04-2013 at 07:08 AM by 59854

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